Messages in Wooden blocks

Wooden Blocks are another trash item in Fallout 4 game. You can find them in many places across the Commonwealth. Usually, they are just laying around on the floor, on bench or cabinet. Without no visible meaning. But some of these are formed into the message. Let's look at them.

During the exploration and adventuring across the Commonwealth in Fallout 4, I have found some of these messages. Here is my small collection of messages composed from these Wooden Blocks I found. Unfortunately, in some cases, I'm not sure of their location in the game.

Wooden Blocks. LOL.
LOL, really funny (sarcasm 😁). In reactor room in Vault 81.

Wooden Blocks. Gary.
Who is Gary?

Wooden Blocks. I eat you.
I eat you. Om nom nom.

Wooden Blocks. Crazy
Crazy. These Raiders really were.

Wooden Blocks. Bye Alien.
Bye bye, little Alien. Located at Warwick homestead, behind the farther water tank.

I'm pretty sure there will be more of these messages. I have not discovered every location in the game yet. So, have you found any other messages from Wooden Blocks? Let me know in comments so I can find them too. 😄


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